Volunteer & Healthcare Experience

For the pre-professional student, 获得有价值的经验是他们职业前旅程的关键部分.  对医疗保健专业感兴趣的学生必须获得临床经验, 我们的目标是帮助学生找到机会.  在此资源中,您将找到一些欧洲杯押注网页付费和志愿医疗保健机会的信息, 以及一些非医疗保健服务的机会. 


Virtual Volunteer & Healthcare Opportunities

Healthcare Training & Certifications

寻找医疗保健培训或认证来发展您的专业技能?  以下是一些常见的入门级医疗保健角色,可以通过额外的培训和认证获得.   

注册护理助理(CNA)在护士协会的监督下工作 注册护士(RN)或执业护士(LPN) 对病人、住院医师或客户的亲自护理. CNA's 协助进行重要的日常工作,例如 穿衣、吃饭、如厕和个人卫生. 

要找到批准的护士助理培训课程的完整列表,请参阅 State of Michigan visit the state's Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (bottom of the 页面上有按县组织的项目列表).  Below are some 西密歇根地区提供的培训项目.

注意:一些公司雇佣护士技术人员,这可能不会 require a CNA.  

Grand Rapids Community College


Walker Medical Instructional Services

Thompson M-Tec

紧急医疗技术人员提供基本的紧急医疗护理 以及重症和急诊病人的交通 emergency medical system. EMT用基本的 通常在救护车上找到的设备,并作为从 现场到当地医疗系统紧急救治.  Here is some 欧洲杯押注网页在大急流城发现的EMT培训的信息.  

Great Lakes EMS Academy

移动医疗响应(萨吉诺/海湾城/芒特. Pleasant Area)


医务抄写员与医疗保健提供者一对一地工作 实时记录病人的护理,在床边,通过使用 of the electronic medical record.  Here is information about scribe training in West Michigan.    

GVSU Scribe Academy (Helix Scribe Solutions, affiliated with Spectrum & Bronson)

ScribeAmerica (affiliated with Mercy Health)

在药剂师的监督下,药学技术人员供应药品 对患者,为处方组装药物,并提供 向患者和其他医疗保健专业人员提供的信息.

药学技术人员必须经过国家规定的认证 guidelines.  许多药店会雇佣技术人员并提供 为准备认证考试而进行的实践培训.  Some 雇用大峡谷学生的当地药店的例子包括 Family Fare, Walgreens, CVS和Meijer.  

抽血师为医学检测抽取并准备血液, transfusions or donation.  Training for the field varies. It should 包括课堂教学加上“X”的临床学时; 然而,并不是所有的项目都提供临床时间. Students 对这项工作感兴趣的人应该研究他们的选择,并选择一个 program that meets their needs. 注:大多数医院更喜欢候选人 有证书,但会考虑没有证书的申请人(并将进行培训).

Employers that may provide training:




Search for Your Healthcare Experience

在下面的表格中,你会发现一个可搜索的付费和志愿者机会列表.  这些栏目可以根据你的兴趣进行排序, 你可以输入关键字来缩小搜索范围.  点击“查看”以了解更多有关组织和参与领域的信息. 

Try some of these keywords:

  • Type: Paid, Volunteer, Volunteer & Paid
  • Specialty Area: 脊椎按摩,牙科,验光,药学,足部,兽医
  • Categories:  Animals, Art & Humanities, Children & 青年,临床经验,社区支持,残疾,食品安全,免费 & 低成本诊所,间隔年,悲伤,无家可归/住房,临终关怀,医院 & 诊所,LGBTQ,医疗用品,心理健康,公共卫生,难民,老年人,妇女健康 
  • EAP: 利用这一点来寻找机会与服务不足的人群一起工作.  Includes medical and non-medical. 
  • Virtual: Use this to find remote experiences.   

Volunteer & Healthcare Experience

Category Type Organization Address Website Action
Youth & LGBTQ Volunteer The Trevor Project Website View
Women's Health, Clinical Experience Paid Simply Born Midwifery Services 密歇根州大急流城梅里特大街802号,邮编49507 Website View
Women's Health Volunteer Planned Parenthood Multiple Locations Website View
Women's Health Volunteer Pregnancy Resource Center Grand Rapids and Wyoming Locations Website View
Women's Health Volunteer MomsBloom 233 Fulton St E Suite 226 Grand Rapid, MI, 49503 Website View
Seniors Paid Papa Pal Multiple Locations Website View
Seniors Volunteer & Paid Porter Hills 密歇根州大急流城喀斯喀特路4450号,邮编49546 Website View
Seniors Volunteer Meals on Wheels of West Michigan 2900 Wilson Ave. SW Suite 500 Grandville, MI 49418 Website View
Seniors Paid Comfort Keepers Multiple Locations Website View
Seniors Volunteer & Paid St. Ann's Home 2161伦纳德街西北,大急流城,密歇根州49504 Website View
Seniors Volunteer Senior Neighbors 678前大道西北,套房205大急流城,密歇根州49504 Website View
Seniors Volunteer & Paid Sunset Retirement Communities & Services 在大急流城和格兰维尔有多个地点 & Jenison Website View
Seniors Volunteer Baruch Senior Ministries Multiple Locations Website View
Seniors Volunteer Yorkshire & Stonebridge Assisted Living 3511  3515 Leonard St. NW, Walker, MI 49534 Website View
Seniors Paid Beacon Hill 1919波士顿街东南,大急流城,密歇根州49506 Website View
Refugee Volunteer Treetops Collective 906分部大道S,大急流城,密歇根州49507 Website View
Public Health Volunteer & Paid 密歇根州国家肾脏基金会 门罗大道西北1345号,套房140大急流城,密歇根州49505 Website View
Public Health Volunteer Van Andel Institute (Purple Community) 333 Bostwick Ave. NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Website View
Public Health Volunteer & Paid Versiti (formerly Michigan Blood) Multiple Locations Website View
Public Health Volunteer The Grand Rapids Red Project 401 Hall St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Website View
Public Health Volunteer ALS Association Michigan Chapter Website View
Mental Health Volunteer National Alliance of Mental Illness 401 Washington Lansing, MI 48933 Website View
Mental Health Volunteer & Paid 松息基督教精神健康服务 Multiple Locations Website View
Mental Health Volunteer Momentum Center Grand Haven and Holland Locations Website View
Medical Supplies Volunteer Project C.U.R.E. Multiple locations throughout the U.S. Website View

Page last modified September 12, 2024